A wonderful pitcher to use for any event!
A great pitcher for table service at your event!
Want to keep your coffee warm? This is the pitcher for you!
Our 4.75 gallon metal bottom glass beverage dispenser is perfect for holding your mixed drinks, lemonade, cider and more!
This 50 cup silver plated coffee urn is ideal for small gatherings.
100 cups of hot coffee perfection!
Hot, Hot, Hot! 60 cups of coffee or hot water for tea during your event.
Did someone say champagne? Keep it cold on ice in our wine bucket.
Keep your beverages cold in our cooler tub, just add ice!
Use this 10 Gallon cambro for reliable hot or cold beverage holding, transport and service.
Place your favorite beverage keg with some ice in our Keg Cooler!
Pop in the keg, plug in the kegerator and enjoy a cold one.
Add beverages and ice to our 60 quart cooler and you're ready to go!
Our durable 15 gallon galvanized wash tubs are eye-catching and add just the right amount of rustic charm.
Fosters' Tent Rental Company
267 Fournier Road West Chazy, NY 12992
Phone: 518-493-7300 Fax: 518-493-5530
Email: info@fosterstents.com